We are far from an ordinary travel agency - we have no flights, nor any hotels to offer you.

However, we do have everything that it takes to help you find your next holiday and the best part is that you still hold all the power of booking in your own hands. 


To find out more about what we have to offer you, check out the information below. We look forward to helping you and remember that you are only a simple push of a button away from finding your dream holiday!


Enjoy your life and enjoy the world - Let us find your next journey!   


Traveling has always been one of our greatest interests, and we believe that the happiness a voyage can bring you is something everyone deserves to experience. We would love to encourage more people to travel considering all the benefits, such as new experiences, perspectives, and a deeper understanding. However, most importantly you will connect with new friends from all over the world and witness beautiful sights. Of course, there are multiple reasons that hold people back from traveling and unfortunately, we can not solve them all. Although, we can help you with one of them. Our sole interest is helping you discover and enjoy the world, and therefore we would like to help you find your next trip with as little time and effort as possible, so that factor does not hold you back from your next experience.


All we need is for you to tell us your wishes, hopes, and perforations for your trip and we will handle the rest, all the way until the final stage of the booking, that is when you will step back in. We will do all the searching, price comparisons, etc., and then send you your personalized travel suggestions leading you directly to the booking page for your next trip. All you have to do is fill in your personal information and pay and then you are ready to go.


We will help you book any kind of trip you desire, the last thing we want to do is hold back your fantasy and dreams. Therefore, we can help you find trips by plane, train, boat, or a mix. If you only need somewhere to stay, then that is perfectly fine too. Feel like a road trip is something on your bucket list? Then we help you with your route and places to stay. It does not matter if you want to go for a weekend to one country, stay at a single hotel, or if you want to be gone for six months, visiting multiple countries and hotels, plus traveling by both plane and train. No dream or wish is too big or too small for us, we just want to help you find the trip that fits you. We would also love to include adventures, activities, or likewise on your trip if that is something you wish for. There is nothing holding you or us back.


We are not a normal travel agency. We have no flights, nor any hotel, to offer you, but we do offer you all you need to find your dream holiday. You book just as you would book any trip by yourself, the difference is that we do all the work until the final stage. Firstly, you fill in the survey about how you want your next trip to turn out and then we help you find a trip that matches your expectations. Once that is done, we will send you your personalized travel suggestions in an email, leading you directly to the booking page so that you can finish the booking and later on enjoy your trip. The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. 


If you solely want to book transport or accommodation, such as plane tickets or a hotel room - you will find that service on our Home page. All you need to do is write us a short message about what you need and we will help you! 


We do not finish any bookings, which means that after we have sent you your personalized travel suggestions it is all up to you to decide if you want to book your trip or not. Once you make the booking it is your responsibility and solely a commitment between you and the travel agency. So to clarify, when the links are sent our work is complete and you decide whether you want to go through with the booking or not, and if so the rest is handled with the travel agency and the flight company. This also means that we will make sure that the cost for the trip matches your suggested budget from the survey. However, we can only promise that the price stays in that range during the day we send you your suggestions, since prices change a lot when it comes to trips. Therefore, if you decide to book your trip later on, the prices may have changed.


As mentioned earlier, our sole interest is to help you and simplify the booking process for your next trip. So instead of spending multiple hours searching for your next destination and finding the best transport, we do it for you. With our help, the booking process does not have to take more than a few minutes. Apart from that, you can also use our service if you have problems with creativity when it comes to traveling or if you want a surprise. When you let us do the search you can write in our survey that you accept any country and we will make all the hard decisions for you. If you want it to be a surprise you can ask somebody else to fulfill the booking for you once you receive your personalized travel suggestions and then a surprise will be waiting for you.   


Yes, there are three categories dividing different kinds of trips to make it easier for you to find out which category your trip fits under. Thanks to that, you will know beforehand how much time it will take before you get your links and what the service costs. Solely transport or accommodation belongs under category one. However, you will find that service on our home page. 


The first category is easier trips to book, which means that the trip is for a short period of time, like a weekend. It also concerns charter trips, as well as trips that last no more than a week, even though the plane ticket and hotel are booked separately. It does not matter if you want to go by train, plane, boat, or car.


The second category contains combination trips, meaning that you desire to stay at more than one place during your trip, which could be different hotels, cities or countries, etc. For example, if you desire to fly to Thailand, but you want to discover multiple cities during your stay. Typical trips to do are visiting different islands in Greece by boat or traveling through Europe by train. Category two covers trips where you want to visit two different cities, islands, or countries, as well as changing hotels multiple times during your stay in one city, as long as the trip is a maximum of a month long.


The third category also includes combination trips. However, this category does not have any maximum travel days or changes of hotels, cities, islands, or countries. This category covers all the longer trips with a lot of changes included. For example, long-lasting backpacking, road trips, or an eventful trip by plane. 


Category 1 - (1-3 work days + 250€)

Category 2 - (2-5 work days + 325€)

Category 3 - (3-8 work days + 395€)


Once you have completed the survey you will receive an invoice to your email sometime during the next couple of days. The invoice will be sent from a company called Cansolo. When you complete your payment we start working on your request and it is from that day we start counting the working days it takes to finish your links. You have 15 days to complete your payment. If the invoice is not paid within 15 days your requested journey will not be completed. 


Cansolo is a Swedish company that handles payments for entrepreneurs to make sure all the fees, VAT's and taxes are paid correctly. Here is a link to visit their website if you want to find out more: https://cansolo.se


Almost everybody can use our service no matter what country you live in. However, you have to be at least 18+ years old for us to help you book a journey since you pay by invoice.